
The Choco preprocessor expands the use:choco shorthand syntax, which allows you to use headless instances easily, with a great DX and type-safety.

Here’s an example using the headless ToggleButton class: with the shorthand syntax the code is much cleaner. But both syntaxes are totally equivalent. The preprocessed shorthand is also type-safe, so eg. TypeScript would complain if toggle was used on a span element.

<script lang="ts">
  import { choco } from "chocobytes";
  import { ToggleButton } from "chocobytes/headless/toggle.svelte.js";

  const toggle = new ToggleButton();

  <!-- The shorthand syntax... -->
  <button use:choco={toggle}> Click me. </button>
  <span>Active: {}</span>

  <!-- expanded into this by the preprocessor -->
  <button {...toggle.attributes} use:toggle.action> Click me. </button>
  <span>Active: {}</span>

<pre>{JSON.stringify(toggle.attributes, null, 2)}</pre>

  button {
    cursor: pointer;
    opacity: 60%;

Under the hood the preprocessor takes advantage of the fact that all headless classes are instances of a ChocoBase class with a simple contract, having attributes to spread and an action to use.