
Choco-ui is a Svelte UI-kit that will help you create reactive, accessible, SSR-ready, composable & extendable components by either using and customizing the provided components or by using the primitives they are built on to create your own.

You can customize:

  • the UI components
  • the headless components
  • the mixins everything is built on

Let’s have a quick look at each level.

UI components

The easiest way to get started. Just customize the styles to your liking.

For example to use the Accordion component:

Feel free to open the components and modify the styles to suit your design. If you want to go to the next level and tweak the logic in a reusable way then you want to have a look at the corresponding headless component.

Headless components

Each UI component is paired with a corresponding headless component built from sharable building blocs and logic, and managing the attributes and the behavior.

When you instantiate a headless component you can use it with the choco action. The preprocessor takes care of spreading the attributes and managing actions for you.

Here’s an example using the headless ToggleButton class to create an unstyled toggle button:

<script lang="ts">
  import { choco } from "chocobytes";
  import { ToggleButton } from "$lib/headless/toggle.svelte";

  const toggle = new ToggleButton();

  <!-- Just use the choco action and you're done -->
    onclick={() => console.log("still toggling")}
    class="aria-pressed:text-dark rounded border border-white py-2 px-4 aria-pressed:bg-white"
    I'm { ? "" : "not"} pressed

<pre>{JSON.stringify(toggle.attributes, null, 2)}</pre>

In the above example there is no clash between the toggle’s inner click event listener and the one declared on the button. The ChocoBase class and all headless components pass their behavior through an action, avoiding clashes with other declarative listeners.


The headless components are built from a few primitives. By combining these primitives you can easily create your own headless components and extend the provided ones.

These primitives are mixins. What’s a mixin? It’s like a class decorator, but we don’t officially have decorators in js yet, so mixins do the job with no additional setup or preprocessing.

So mixins are just functions taking a class and returning a decorated class with new attributes or new behavior. And since functions compose well together, they are nicely composable primitives.

To use a mixin we just extend from its application on the base class, and to compose them we just compose the applications. For example, the Togglable mixin adds an initTogglable method taking the (initial) attributes to be toggled, whether this initial state is the active state, and the events toggling it. So the headless ToggleButton class could be implemented like this:

import { ChocoBase } from "chocobytes";
import { Togglable } from "$lib/mixins/togglable.svelte.js";

export class ToggleButton extends Togglable(ChocoBase) {
  constructor(options?: { active: boolean }) {
    const active = options?.active ?? false;

      initial: { "aria-pressed": `${active}` },
      toggle: "click",

You see how we could very easily adapt this to create a headless switch component, by toggling aria-checked on click. Many things in a UI are togglable so this is a powerful abstraction. From there we can also build a disclosure component by toggling aria-expanded, a hoverable by toggling on mouseenter and off during mouseleave. See the corresponding mixins for more on these low level primitives.

Also notice how readable and short the code is.


This project draws inspiration from: